IRC how to join our club Useful Contesting links:


Radio Club

How to Join

Club Ham Benifits:
- Monthly Meetng Refreshments.
- Club Newsletter mailing upon request.
- Great Monthly club programs.
- W9JP Ham station available.
- Ham youth programs.
- Ham contest programs.
- WebPage information source.
- Hamfest bus trips
- Summer Picnic - and much more

The dues are currently $15.00 for individuals, $27.00 for family, and $150.00 for life memberships.
Dues help to defray the club operating costs of mailing and the meeting refreshments at each meeting.

If you are interested in joining the Indianapolis Radio club;
you can do so by contacting our club treasurer at any meeting
or by Email or Phone.

mail your club dues payment to: (make checks payable to Indianapolis Radio Club)
Indianapolis Radio Club ; 509 Hardin Blvd, Indianapolis , IN , 46241

Club Treasurer contact is : Judy Gardner-AA9GW home phone -

or EMAIL ......Judy-AA9GW

Click here for a text form of the IRC membership form...then print it out and mail with your dues payment.

Under Construction!

ANY other website links you might like to see here?..let us know...73's

MAIN page last updated:31 dec 05