Life Members Past and Present.                        Date: 12 JAN 2007


There are two sources to date ;

1-  the Life Members Plaque that is kept in the ITC ham room presently designated with ( * )

2- The IRC treasurer list of record.


List is provided in Alphabetical order by last name: (44 total)



Robert B Annis- W9CUD *

Paul Brandenburg  -KB9MEG 

M. Crosby Bartlett-W9MC *

Paul Bohrer- w9duu    L-04 (SK-06)

Tom Chance  K9XV  L-05

Phil Cleary - W9NBQ *

Ron Cooper WB9DKL             

Charles Crist  W9IH    L-05

Byron Fortner- W9FYM *

Michael Fowler WB9QEW      

Judy Gardner  -AA9GW 

Stephen Gardner  -N9XDT 

Richard Gates- KC9CQU       L-06

David Gingrich  -K9DC 

Bill Goodall- K9DBY    L-04

Steve Gregg N9RKS      L-04

Tom Gwaltney  N9PDC   

Jeff Hammer -N9NIC     L-05

Don Hemenover N9DOO     L04

James Hennke - KC9JPF     L06

John S. Jacobs - WB9KSZ *

David Jarvis N9KZJ                 

John Jones W9FZW

Wade Kingery-W9JGZ *      

Michael Kuehn W9KY      

Randy Lievertz N9MJB   

J. G. Lucas- W9BS * (SK)

William F Lueth-W9AJ *

David Miller K9RTT   L-04

Wes Murphy- N9AJM *

Robert Northern  W9VCS  L-05

Henry Peterson  -W9ZRK 

Alvey Pittman- W9EL * (SK)

Rudy Richardson - KN9C   L-04

Harold Schafer  KC9HO(SK)

Francis Schoppenhorst N9ION

Beurt SerVaas, W9WVO    L-05

Robert Smith  NA9G     

Ed Taylor                      

Dave Timmerman - WB9CER *

Pauline Ulrey- KC9IDA       L-06

Gene VanSickle - W9KJF * (SK)

Ron Williams W9YZ      

David Yoder   WB8MPE  




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