The Indianapolis Radio Club Newsletter Founded 1914 “The oldest continuously operating Amateur Radio Club in the United States” June/July, 2007 Newsletter Upcoming Meetings: [][]WATCH THIS SPACE FOR UPCOMING MEETING INFO September 14: First meeting after summer break [][]Highlights of the June 8, 2007 meeting: This was the annual equipment auction meeting. I was out of town on vacation, but understood that there was a fair amount of equipment that changed hands, and fun was had by all, including the IRC’s own auctioneer/VP: Dave Miller, K9RTT. [][]Ham Radio News: []USS INDIANAPOLIS OTA EVENT A SUCCESS! Chuck Crist, W9IH, said the 2007 USS Indianapolis OTA event was “outstanding”. There were a total of 29 operators involved in this year’s event. The highlight of the weekend was a visit to the operation by Indianapolis’ only survivor of the tragic events of the summer of 1945, Mr. Jim O’Donnell. For a great review of the event, including lots of pictures, point your browser to []KENWOOD TO MERGE WITH JVC >From the ARRL web site: Kenwood to merge with JVC next year (Jun 25, 2007) -- This Week in Consumer Electronics (TWICE) reports that Kenwood has agreed to merge in 2008 with Victor Company of Japan (JVC) under a holding company.  JVC is owned by Matsushita Electric Industrial Company.  Japan's Nikkei business newspaper reports that the final details should be worked out by the end of the month, and that under the plan, Kenwood will buy 20 billion yen ($161,469,466) in JVC shares as early as this summer, raising its stake to 13 percent. Matsushita will also sell part of its 52.7 percent of JVC to Kenwood's top shareholder, the Sparx Group.  When JVC and Kenwood integrate operations under the holding company in 2008, Matsushita will sell the rest of its JVC shares to the holding company to complete the transaction. The holding company's stock will be listed instead of Kenwood and JVC, according to Nikkei. Combined, Kenwood's and JVC's sales are $7.3 billion dollars annually for their fiscal year that ended March 31. []INDIANA GETS NEW SEC Note From James S. Sellers, K9ZBM ARRL Indiana Section Manager Greetings Everyone, I am pleased to announce that Anthony J. "Tony" Langer W9AL of North Judson, Indiana, has agreed to become Indiana's new Section Emergency Coordinator. Our current SEC. Dave Pifer N9YNF has been looking to resign for some time due to job, family, and other responsibilities. My heartfelt thanks to Dave for his outstanding work in administering the ARRL's ARES program over the last six years. The next time you see Dave at a hamfest, please shake his hand, and tell him "THANK YOU!" I know that it will take some time for Tony W9AL to get used to his new responsibilities, and that there will be a few"bumps" on the road ahead. Please have a bit of patience, and compassion, as this job is a big one with much learning to do. Dave N9YNF has graciously agreed to help him ease into it. []RILEY REITERATES RECOMMENDATION TO "LIGHTEN UP" ON HAM BANDS FCC Special Counsel in the Spectrum Enforcement Division Riley Hollingsworth's main message at the Dayton Hamvention® 2007 FCC Forum may not have been a new one. But it's certainly one he believes bears repeating -- at least until it starts cutting through the QRM and QRN that pervade more communication channels than our Amateur Radio bands. Hollingsworth repeated what for many Riley Watchers has become a familiar refrain: That the Amateur Radio community needs to "lighten up" on the air. Acknowledging that he was repeating himself, Hollingsworth urged his audience to take his message more to heart. "All of you can learn from each other," he said, "and you need to work together more and show a little more respect for your diverse interests and for the Amateur Service as a whole. It isn't about you. It isn't about enforcement. It's about Amateur Radio." As a "homework assignment," Hollingsworth encouraged his listeners to read the "It Seems to Us . . . " editorial, "Most Effective Use", by ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ, in May 2007 QST. In his commentary, Sumner stressed that interference occurring as a side effect of legitimate Amateur Radio activities in crowded bands "is simply a fact of life" and that it's "unfair to your fellow amateurs to assume that every instance of interference you may encounter is a hostile act." Hollingsworth offered good news and bad news. "The good news: Nothing is wrong with Amateur Radio," he allowed. "It is a good service that is showing its value to the public on a daily basis." The bad news, he asserted, making a comparison to "road rage," is "that there is an element of Amateur Radio that too often reflects present society generally." Hollingsworth urged all radio amateurs to cooperate more and depend less on the FCC to solve their operating issues. "We live in a rude, discourteous, profane, hotheaded society that loves its rights, prefers not to hear about its responsibilities, and that spills over into the ham bands," he said. []FCC ANNOUNCES ENHANCEMENTS TO ULS LICENSE ARCHIVE The FCC has announced a redesign of the Universal Licensing System (ULS) License Archive Search. Users can access this new functionality via the "Archives" button under "SEARCH" on the ULS page. "Each time a license is acted upon, the current version is captured within ULS," the FCC explained this week in a public notice. "The License Archive allows users to view the current and prior versions of a license." In the redesigned License Archive, the search interface, results screen and detail pages will use the same display as ULS License Search. On the detail pages, users now will be able to directly access license information. "There will be no need to 'drill down' -- follow link after link – to reach the information you need, " the FCC noted. "This enhancement increases functionality and improves compliance with Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act." The search results display will be similar to the search results in License Search, with a few minor exceptions: There will be no display of a "Pending Applications" icon, a column titled "Version" will display "Archived" or "Current" depending on the version of the license and a "Last Action Date" column will be used instead of "Expiration Date." Also, other License Search functions that previously were not available in the License Archive have been added, including a "Printable Page" link that allows the user to print the contents of the page pre-formatted for most common printers. A "Reference Copy" link now allows the user to print an unofficial copy of the license. A link to view "Related Applications" from the current version of the license has been added, as has the ability to view attachments and automated letters in a PDF file. For additional information or assistance, visit the FCC's at or call the FCC Support Center, (877) 480-3201 or 717-338-2888 (TTY 717-338-2824) and select Option #2, Forms or Licensing Assistance. Hours are weekdays, except federal holidays, from 8 AM until 6 PM Eastern Time. QSL CORRECTION FOR W2W SPECIAL EVENT STATION >From Bob Osterhous, W9PSE: W2W  Special event station on the air for D-Day. Club Call  W3HEM or   The QSL cards are being returned to sender..    There was a mistake in the QST  Address Correction is:    HEMARC     W2W   Box 1693  Mail Stop 4015     Baltimore, MD   21203 Canada Ending 136 kHz and 5 MHz Special Authorizations In accordance with an agreement between Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) and Industry Canada, that country's telecommunications regulatory agency, special authorizations allowing some Canadian radio amateurs to conduct experiments at 136 kHz and 5 MHz will terminate June 30. "These experiments have had, as one objective, the provision of data that would support the objectives of RAC and the IARU for possible new allocations to the Amateur Service at these frequencies," the RAC said. Future special authorizations will depend on the outcomes of World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-07), which gets under way October 22, the RAC added. New worldwide, secondary amateur allocations at 135.7 to 137.8 kHz and in the 5 MHz range are up for possible consideration at WRC-07. There's more information on the VO1MRC 5 MHz Experiment Web pages at, ARRL GREAT LAKES DIVISION CONVENTION COMING UP September 22, 2007 will be the 2007 ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention. The Convention will be held in conjunction with the Cleveland Hamfest, in Independence, Ohio. The keynote s peaker will be ARRL President Joel Harrison W5ZN. Other speakers include: Bob Heil K9EID and Chip Margelli K7JA from Heil Sound. Jim Sanford WB4GCS from Amsat. Bob Frey WA6EZV and Dick Arnett WB4SUV about ARDF. Tim Duffy K3LR about Antennas. And a great DX Seminar moderated by Tedd Mirgliotta KB8NW that will feature: Bob Allphin K4UEE, Bernie McClenny W3UR, John Papay K8YSE, Don Karvonen, K8MFO and others. For more information, point your browser to []GET YOUR BLIND DRAW DONATION TICKETS! For only $10 per ticket, you can get a chance to win one of the following great prizes: 1st prize – Kenwood TS-570D (radio only) 2nd prize – Yaesu FT-857D (radio only) 3rd prize – MFJ-269 Antenna Analyzer Drawing will take place at the Indy Radio Club’s K9OOA Broad Ripple Swapfest on August 4, 2007. You don’t need to be present to win! There will only be 300 tickets sold, so the chances are good! You can buy your tickets at an IRC meeting, at the Swapfest, or from an officer of the club. [][]SEND ME YOUR HAM RADIO NEWS If anyone has any items for the newsletter, please send them to Ken Bandy at []Signals from the Past: >From the March 20, 1972 Indianapolis Radio Club Newsletter: REPEATERS AND VHF-FM: A new repeater for 2 FM will soon be on full time, the freq will be 146.10 in and 146.70 out. The receive site is on top of the Summit House at 38th and Meridian with 9dB gain antennas. It may be that the K9LEH .28/.88 repeater will be off the air and only .16/.76 will be left on at WISH-TV. [][]Upcoming Area Radio Events: * Broadripple K9OOA Tailgate Hamfest ...Saturday, August 4, from 7:00 AM til 1:00 PM. Located at 7373 Westfield Blvd., Indianapolis. There are no fees for admission or selling equipment. * Lafayette Hamfest ....Saturday, August 19, 2007, from 8:00 AM til 2:00 PM Go to for more info * Hoosier Hills Hamfest (Bedford) ......Sunday, October 7, 2007, opening at 6:00 AM ...Go to for more info. [][]Current IRC Officers: * President: Tom Chance, K9XV - ..EMAIL * Vice Pres.: Dave Miller, K9RTT - ..EMAIL * Secretary: Ken Bandy, KC9GLQ - ..EMAIL * Treasurer: Judy Gardner, AA9GW - ..EMAIL * Chief Operator: Dave Craig, N9QVO - ..EMAIL * Dir. at large: Bob Osterhous, W9PSE - EMAIL * Dir. at large: Tom Price, WB9UNG – EMAIL * Dir. at large: Hank Wolfla, K9LZJ – EMAIL ?? ?? ?? ?? 6