The Indianapolis Radio Club Newsletter Founded 1914 “The oldest continuously operating Amateur Radio Club in the United States” October, 2006 Newsletter Upcoming Meetings: November 10, 7:00 P.M. EST, at the Indianapolis Training Center, 2802 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis. Scheduled presentation: “DATA Acquisition using Radio.” (leading edge stuff) - Mike Henney, KE9YA Dir. GM Data Eng. Racing Div. December 8, 7:00 P.M. EST, at MCL Cafeteria, 86th & Township Line Rd. Scheduled presentation: “Eagle Creek State Park wildlife”. January, 2007: Chili Tasting Contest, BYOA (bring your own antacids) Highlights of the October 13, 2006 meeting: Club Vice President Dave Miller, K9RTT, went over the plans for our upcoming meetings as outlined above. Elections for IRC officers will be taking place at the November meeting. It was noted that in order to receive a complimentary dinner at the December meeting, members need to be paid up in membership fees. One dinner for a single membership, or two dinners for a family membership. Life memberships in the Indianapolis Radio Club are available for 10 times the normal annual membership fee of $15.00, or $150.00. KC9JPF was recognized at the meeting as the newest Life Member. Dave Miller had each person in attendance introduce themselves and give their “most memorable moments in ham radio”. For the next half hour, we heard several entertaining and memorable stories as folks introduced themselves. After the introductions, Chuck, W9IH, introduced Bob Demuth from the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. Bob has been with the InDHS for 14 years in Emergency Response. Bob had a very interesting talk, complete with support from a PowerPoint presentation. He stated that the purpose of the IDHS Emergency Response Division is to support the counties. Normally, the IDHS will not get involved unless the county requests it, after depleting their local resources. The Emergency Response Branch is currently divided into 2 areas: Operations, and Mitigation/Recovery. Soon, a third area will be added: Logistics. The IDHS uses hams in the EOC and Mobile Command Center, as a backup communications resource. As Bob put it, “If you don’t know what you’re getting into, you have to take what’s going to work – HAMS.” When normal communications resources fail, there has to be a backup. Some questions of interoperability came up related to the response to Hurricane Katrina. There was also a question of MARS usage by DHS. It was stated by a MARS member present, that all that has to happen is a MOU from IDHS to Indiana MARS. After Bob’s presentation, he was presented with a small token of appreciation by Bob Osterhaus. Door prizes were awarded to W8WJ, N9AJM, KC9JFX, N9YM, and K9RU. There were 51 in attendance at the meeting. Editor’s note: If you are currently receiving this newsletter via US mail, and have an email address, please send a note to me at, so the club can save some postage. Thanks! Any Elmers out there? David, K9DCO would like to find an Elmer to help him with some questions and technical advice. Dovid can be contacted either by phone at (317) 259-8017, or email at Upcoming Area Radio Events: * CW classes: Starting October 27, running 4 days. Class size is limited to 20 students. Go to for more info. * November 18-19: Fort Wayne Hamfest Go to for more info. NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO IRC BUS GOING TO FORT WAYNE. Current IRC Club Officers: * Vice Pres.: Dave Miller - ..EMAIL * Sectretary: Mike Henney - ..EMAIL * Treasurer: Judy Gardner - ..EMAIL * Chief Operator: Ed Conder - ..EMAIL * Director: Dave Jarvis - ........EMAIL * Dir. at Large: Tom Chance - ..EMAIL If anyone has any items for the newsletter, please send them to Ken Bandy at 73