USS INDIANAPOLIS - CA-35  (memorial)

2007 Museum Ships on the air review.
June 8th, 9th & 10th
Ops time: June 9th-0001Z (Fri eve 8PM)to June 10th,-0000Z (sun eve 8PM) 48 hours.


   Her mast stood approximately 130 feet above the water, the 10 battle stars painted on her bow, reminded most of the outstanding
service to our country in time of war. Today the USS Indianapolis is remembered as a memorial located on the scenic north end of the
Indianapolis Indiana downtown canal. This is the place where the survivors from her sinking on July 30, 1945 meet to remember those
tragic days and their fallen shipmates. About 60 survivors attend the 5 day long reunion; which ends with a ceremony at the
CA-35 memorial site and lots of family, friends and military personnel joined in; saying thanks for the freedom the old ship and crew
provided through their service.

Mr. "Jack Miner-RT2/c -"Survivor" sent last "SOS"

Survivors at Reunion

Kenley Lanter-S1 SM(W4MWW)with OTA hams

At print date; there is one USS Indianapolis RADIOMAN Survivor; Jack Miner RT-2/c. (81 Yrs young.); Kenely Lanter is 85 Yrs.  
There are 80 survivors to date, ages ranging from 79-100 yrs. Young.

Mr. Jim O'Donnell -"Survivor"

Jim ; explains the tragic event

Ham team & Jim O'Donnell

   One of the highlights of the USS Indianapolis on the air event was the visit by Mr. Jim O'Donnell; the only Indianapolis resident and
USS Indianapolis survivor. Mr. O'Donnell shared with our operations group and facility visitors (about 40 folks) the actual accounts
of some of those terrible days when the USS Indy was sunk in 1945. "Goose Bumps filled the room"; one of our new ham ops,
Fred-KC9FLB said it all, "Chatting with Mr. O'Donnell was an experience of a life time".

   Mr. O'Donnell is 87 years young and continues to carry on the memories of the USS Indianapolis and his shipmates every day;
He was the Grand Marshall for our 2007 Parade honoring the Survivors.

Parade Welcome Survivors

USS Indianapolis float


    USS Indianapolis Museum Ships On The Air operation takes place at the same location of the survivors Memorial service.


Visitors Welcome

Memorial Temp Antennas

Temp. Memorial ship Mast!

    It is also the same site where 31 Indianapolis area Amateur radio operators assembled an antenna system; approximately the same
in height as the old ship used and three radio stations (each running 100 watts; two were on wire antennas) to participate for the
second (2nd) time in the worldwide Museum ships on the air event sponsored by the USS New Jersey amateur radio station.
This was only the second time in 62 years that USS Indianapolis had been heard on the radio.

   Local Hams simulated the same equipment conditions that their ship would have used in a similar condition.
(SSB, CW & AM modes were available on 80-6m.)We operated mostly on 80-40-20 & 17 m during this event

Memorial Ham station room

Memorial Ham station room

Temp Ships Mast

All ham radio operations were located 50 yards east of the USS Indanapolis Memorial (IHETS facilities).

   USS Indianapolis Amateur radio station operated 37 of the 48 Museum Ships on the air event hours.



Ops station #3 17-6m

Ops station #1 20-15m

W9SU CW 80m late nite crew


   The Indiana War Memorial, Indiana university -R.E.I. facilities, Maxim crane works, the Indianapolis radio club and
local area Amateur Radio operators sponsor this endeavor.


CW 40-80m/KJ9C

N9KT late nite ops 80m

N9QVO & WA9VBG 17m


   During the Museum ships event the USS Indianapolis CA-35 made 1634 total contacts, with some of those being
20 countries and with 17 participating ships.. Hams Operated for 37 hours of the 48 event hours.

Our facility had about 50 visitors to view the DVD displayed video story of the USS Indianapolis and participate in the
on air amateur radio operations.


USS INDY DVD story view station!

KC9ESH 80m morning shift

Ed-N9IZN 40 m OPS





WB9DKL 20m late nite ops

KD8CTK & KB9RDS 20m ops




W0VLL 80m Early shift

Bill-WY9T & Brian-W9IND

WY9T on 40m duty; #2 station



WA9BVS-Malcom on 17m duty

Early sunrise on the memorial;W9IND on 20m

Dillion-our youngest op (ham to BE!)

 WA9BVS was the 2004 ship radioman badge winner ;
he has been a USS Indianapolis Memorial operator both 2005 & 2007.


Wall Banner displayed on wall has radio rooms from other Cruiser ships; there are no USS Indy Radio room PIX available.

HAM OPERATORS: (29)  W9IH-Chuck, W9IND-Brian, N9IZN-Ed, N9KZJ-Dave,KB9BSV-Barb, K9XV-Tom,
WY9T-Bill, N9KT-Dave, W9SU-Mike, K9RU-Jim, W0VLL-Pete, W0BJF-Barry, KG6ZIJ-Chris, WB9DKl-Ron,
KC9GQM-Tom, KC9KZM-Bob, WB9DKL-Ron, WA9VBG-Sam, N9QVO-Dave, KD8CTK-Charlene, KJ9C-Mel,
KC9FLB-Fred, KB9RDS-Steve, KC9ESH-Duane, NE9O-Mike, WA9BVS-Malcom, KC9GLQ-Ken, KC9GLR-Kyle,
KB9ZLB-Heather, KC9HDH-Joe. AA9YP-Jay and Dillion

2007 operators Sked used! Click here for Approx. Ops times..

Thanks to those who helped make this second (2nd) Ships On the AIR EVENT very successful:!!!
USS INDY OTA Sponsors: Indiana University, REI Management,Ihets, Indianapolis Radio Club, Thompson (RCA) Ham club,
Maxim Crane. , Indianapolis Radio League & FireHouse Photo Labs.


Submitted By;

Chuck Crist -W9IH


USS INDY OTA event.  July,2007

The Museum Ships event is sponsored by the USS New Jersey radio club.... for more info click here

Under Construction!Last Update: 11 JUL 07
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