The Indianapolis Radio Club is a general interest ham radio group that was founded in 1914 and has met continuously since that time.
- IRC meetings begin at 7:30 PM on the second (2nd) Friday of each month except for July and August.
- Meetings are preceded by a "meet and greet time" beginning at 7:00 pm.
- In-person meetings are normally held at the Salvation Army EDS Training Facility at 4020 Georgetown Rd.,
unless announced otherwise in the club newsletter. Indianapolis, IN 46254. - For a map to the Salvation Army EDS Training Facility, point your browser to click here map link
- The mailing address for the club is 7405 E. County Rd. 900 N, Brownsburg, IN 46112 and is the address of record for the club.
- When not meeting in person, our meetings are held using the ZOOM software platform.
- The Indianapolis Radio Club Station call sign is W9JP
Meetings and Announcements :
-------NOTE DATE CHANGE-------
February 21 "February 21 (date change due to Valentine's Day):
Bryce Bookwalter, KD9YEY will be presenting "Backpacking and Ham Radio".
February 22 Indianapolis Radio Club Parks on the Air (POTA) event.
We will plan to be on the air by noon-ish at Fort Harrison State
Park, setting up across from the Visitor’s Center. Special thanks to Ellen and Gordon
Brock, KD9RUD and KD9RUE for furnishing their tent to give us some protection from
the cold. Also we will have a propane heater available for the tent.
March 15, 2025
Watch your email for details on a one-day Technician class and testing session, presented
by David Spoelstra, N9KT and Jim Rinehart, K9RU. The class and testing will be an
all-day session, coming up in the first quarter of 2025.
SKYWARN Spotter Training Thursday, March 20·6:00 – 8:00p
Please send ideas for future meetings to one of the officers listed on the Club Details tab above.
There will be a 2-day Technician license preparation class offered at McKenzie Career
Center (7250 E 75th St.) on Jan. 18, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and Jan. 25, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
with testing after. Contact Frank Merrill, K9LX to register at k9lxradio@gmail.com
Personalized Indianapolis Radio Club Polo shirts are in and most were distributed at the December 2024 meeting.
The 2024-2025 Schedule of presentations for the Indianapolis Radio Club is practically full.
Here is what we have lined up (always subject to change, of course):
March 14: Mike Sercer, WA9FDO, talking about his experiences in Armed Forces Radio.
April 11: Dale Hammer, K9NN speaking on the Reverse Beacon Network (RBN) system.
May 9: Special meeting TBA
June 13: Annual Auction
All events above will be held at the
Salvation Army EDS Facility, 4020 Georgetown Road, Indianapolis.
Support the Indianapolis Radio Club with your membership or donation